Saturday, January 16, 2010

So Big!

It’s so amazing to see how much Micah is learning every day! He just turned 14 months a few days ago, which is hard to believe that the time is going that fast! Now he can sign “please”, “milk”, “all done” and “more”, and working on “thank you”. He also is following commands, which surprised me so much the first time he obeyed! We can tell him to “Sit down” or “Bring me a book to read”, and he’ll go get a book. Or my favorite, is “Micah, go to your room. It’s time to change your diaper”, and off he goes to his room! He’s also starting to sing along with familiar songs in his own little way. So although this age brings MANY opportunities to correct behavior, he’s also at a very fun age, where we can interact with him on a whole new level!


We were so thankful that this year we were able to spend Christmas with family. Mom and Dad Ahtila were able to make it to our place for a visit a week before Christmas to celebrate with us. Then we headed up to Mom and Dad Hill’s house on Christmas Eve to spend the holidays there. Some highlights included going to the Christmas Eve service with family, making gingerbread houses together and of course playing a lot of games. And as always, it’s fun to watch Micah and Reagan interact together. We came back home the day after Christmas, only to turn around on Sunday afternoon to go to Minnesota to visit Tim’s extended family, many Micah and I met for the first time. We also enjoyed a day trip to IKEA and Mall of America. Here are a few pictures of our time in Michigan and Minnesota.