Friday, June 5, 2009

A Much Needed Update

What a busy month this has been! Tim and I had the awesome opportunity to go to Israel for about 2 weeks. We’re very thankful for our parents, who took care of Micah so that we could take this trip. Tim’s parents watched Micah for the first part, and my parents for the second part. Meanwhile, we toured all over Israel! It was an amazing trip, and we’ll blog more about our trip later.

Micah is now almost 7 months old. We’re thankful for a healthy 6 month check-up last week. He weighed 21lbs., 2 oz. (still 95 percentile) and was 27 ¾ inches long. He’s at such a fun age right now, and he definitely keeps us laughing.

In a few weeks, we’ll be heading up to Michigan to visit our family. We’ll fly (thankfully we're not driving this long trip with a baby!) into Traverse City, where we’ll spend a few days with my family. It’ll be like a family reunion, as my brother and our nephew will be there, as well as my aunt, cousins, grandpa and his wife, and my uncle will all be staying at my parents’ house! We’ll then head up to the Upper Peninsula to visit Tim’s family, where we’ll see his sisters and our new nephew. Tim will also have an opportunity to preach at his home church. It’ll be a busy time in Michigan, but we’re really looking forward to being able to spend some time with family. Also, please pray for us, as we definitely need wisdom for the future. There are a couple potential ministry opportunities we’re currently checking out and praying about. So there’s a brief update on our lives! We’ll post more about our Israel trip soon!


Karis said...

What an incredible opportunity the Israel trip was! We had fun talking with John and Beth about it.

You must really be building the muscles carrying Micah around! He's cute!

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Thanks for the post. Cute picture of Micah there! Hope you have a great trip to MI, and that you are able to have some good family time as well as date time! We will be praying for you as you and your future. We miss you guys!

Lacie said...

I can't wait to see your Israel pictures--I've always wanted to go! Whatta neat opportunity!

Micah is just adorable!

Tim and Kristen's Blog said...

Lacie- I was able to put some of the Israel pics on facebook already, so you can check some of those out there:) If you ever have the chance to go, I highly recommend it!!