Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's All Baby Related

We are now about 2 weeks away from our due date! As the due date gets closer and I get bigger, the time doesn’t seem to be going by as quickly! We had another appointment with the midwife this week. We’re thankful that Micah’s heartbeat is still strong and that his head is down and apparently pretty far down. (For those of you who are interested and know about the “stations”, he’s at -1.) After last week’s appointment we worked on getting the car seat in the car, and I finished my last project in the baby’s room, (painting the “Micah” letters). Also, on Tuesday nights we’ve been attending our childbirth classes. We have had 4 classes so far, with 2 more left. At first I wasn’t too sure what to think about them, wondering if they were really going to be helpful. However, I am very thankful that we have been going to these. Personally I like to be well-informed, and I think our instructor has done a good job of preparing us for the different stages of labor, and teaching us how to get through each stage even if unexpected difficulties arise.

Also, Tim made a video for the 3rd trimester. We tried to take a picture every day of the growing belly (although we weren't always successful in getting that daily picture taken). Enjoy!


Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Kristen, I love your nursery!! It is so cute...I just can't wait until we can set up our baby room. Also, I like your idea of taking a picture every day. I have tried to do one every week for the last few weeks, and I have not even done that so good for you to do it every day! Well, can't wait to see how everything turns out in the next two weeks for both of us. Thanks for the post!! I loved it!!

Laura D said...

Love the nursery! You have it set up so just needs a Micah in it now! Great job painting the letters. I really liked your video. However,the pictures went by so fast and I couldn't see much of cute you with your wonderful baby belly. You are still SO cute! Can't wait to meet your little one though. Soon!!

juliechall said...

Hey - this looks so great. It must be really fun to see it all come together!

Anonymous said...

Dad and I enjoyed the video.

Danielle said...

Hey Kristen!! I LOVE the blog and that video is so cute. You are adorable, of course!! Hang in're almost there!!

Michelle said... the baby room! Ya'll have done such a good job! I can't believe that you and Timmy are going to have a baby! I can't wait to see him when I come home!!!

carrie said...

You are so cute in that video! Where did you get all of your maternity clothes? I'm beginning the search for some for myself-- so I was curious. :)

Can you feel an upsurge in visits to your blog as we wait for the news that your little one is here?
