Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Kristen came out yesterday and told me something that I never thought I’d hear in a million years. She said that the beautiful weather we’ve been having lately inspired her to do some spring cleaning and get rid of some old stuff. No that’s not the part that shocked me. What shocked me was that of all things she had in mind to get rid of…she said she was going to get rid of shoes! Yeah, my jaw dropped. I thought maybe the pollen had gone to her head. My shoe-loving Kristen actually getting rid of shoes? While my head still tried to grasp what I heard, she went on to say that her goal was to get rid of two pairs. Well, would you believe that she found 5 pairs of old shoes to toss? Kristen had so much fun throwing out old shoes that she hit the bookshelf next to look for books we can get rid of. And she found some. So now we have a small pile of books on our floor that have to go. (If anyone wants a cookbook called The Man without a Mate, we’ve got one we’re giving away. Yeah, guess I don’t need that one anymore.) But with our love for books and Kristen’s love for shoes, my guess is that the newly created space won’t be vacant for long—especially the spot vacated by her old friends.


Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Good Job Kristen! Tim, now she may be looking for 5 new pairs of shoes to replace the old ones!!! I probably need to do some spring cleaning, but it needs to get a little warmer in Kansas so maybe I will put it off for a while!

Blatherer said...

Wow, a woman throwing away shoes? An unnamed location at 42 degrees, 26 minutes, 5 seconds North and 83 degrees, 59 minutes, 3 seconds West has just frozen over!

bethoven said...

Yay for spring cleaning! It's always fun to make room for stuff you REALLY more shoes!! :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the blog and the comments.